MooTools - JavaScript Utilities


Smooth Scroll

Scroll smoothly to your target. (Dependencies : MooTools More With FX.Scroll)

Try me!
fake-placeholder.js fake-placeholder.css

Fake Placeholder

Emulate "placeholder" attribute if not available.

fake-select.js fake-select.css

Fake Select

Fake selects with native UI for options/values.

fake-upload.js fake-upload.css

Fake upload field

Fake upload field with native UI for directory selection.

fake-inputbox.js fake-inputbox.css

Fake Input Box

Fake Input radio or checkbox

dk-jsu-tabs.js dk-jsu-tabs.css


Simple tabs management

Result for target 1

Result for target 2

Result for target 3

dk-jsu-slider.js dk-jsu-slider.css


A simple slider.

dk-jsu-lightbox.js dk-jsu-lightbox.css


Simple Lightbox. (Dependencies : MooTools More With Assets)

Try me! (Relative URL / AJAX)Try me! (External URL / iframe)
Try me! (Image) - Gallery 1 - Gallery 2 - Gallery 3
Try me! (Message) Try me! (Youtube URL / Player) - Try me! (Vimeo URL / Player)
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